Patient Engagement Remarketing Email Series

Patient Engagement Remarketing Emails

Targeted Remarketing Emails - Starter Bundle

Automated emails that target your customers based on their activity and purchases on your online store.

Remarketing turbo-boosts your Patient Engagement and Retention by setting up automated email engagements with customers based on their behavior.

Send the right message at the right time! Bulk monthly promotional emails are great. But there is a more effective way to reach customers with targeted emails that are triggered by their own activity. Data shows that targeted emails have open rates of 5X the open rates of bulk promotional emails, and result in 8 times higher likelihood that a customer will purchase.

Like our premium transactional emails, these emails are custom designed to match your store's design aesthetic. The emails are customized to your specifications with regard to trigger points, calls to action, special incentives you may want to offer your customers, and other features available depending on the series you select.

Automated, targeted emails...

  • have open rates as high as 68% (the automated emails that DermPRO has done for our clients)
  • help you retain patients and help increase the lifetime value of each patient
  • drive purchases and result in more repeat purchases in your online store
  • Choose from our standard series, brand-centric and regimen-based series for your patients.

    Standard Series

    • Non Purchaser Welcome Series —3 email series
      Targets those potential customers who have created an account on your online store, but have yet to make a purchase. In order to drive this group to purchase online, we'll create a three-part series that welcomes them, invites them to further explore your online store, and nurtures them to make their first online purchase.
    • First Purchase Series —3 email series
      Designed to welcome customers after their first online purchase and guide them along to become repeat buyers, this 3-part series will usher new online purchasers along a path of increased engagement, resulting in a clear call to action to make their second online purchase.
    • New Email Subscriber Series —2 email series
      Targets those who signed up to receive your emails but do not have an account on your store. The goal is to introduce the benefits of the online store, and encourage both online and in-office engagement.
    • Abandoned Cart Series —2 email series
      We'll replace our standard Abandoned Cart email with a customized series that will grab your customer's attention and can include a coupon code in the 2nd email.
    • Best Customer Series —3 email series The goal is to make your top-spending patients feel special, because they are. If you put effort into maintaining these relationships, their value will only grow over time. We will work with you to define the best way to acknowledge their loyalty and your appreciation.
    • Win-Back Series —3 email series
      Reducing churn is critical to your customer retention strategy because winning a new customer costs 5x more than winning a repeat purchase from an existing customer. We will analyze your store's customer lifecycle and average time-between-purchases and target purchasers with increasingly urgent messages.

    Brand, Regimen, and Product-Specific Series

    • SkinCeuticals Regimens
    • SkinMedica Regimens
    • Neurotoxin & Filler Regimens
    • Cross Sell & Up Sell Recommendations
    • Replenishment & Auto-Replenishment Recommendations

    Starter Bundle

    Pick any two (2) Standard Series and one (1) Brand/Regimen/Product-Specific Series. This service carries a monthly fee for ongoing email management, maintenance, analytics, and support.

    How Does It Work?

    • Whether or not DermPRO is already doing any promotional emails for you, we can implement these automated email campaigns for you.
    • We will work with you to define which sets of emails you want to send, and you can pick from many options for the calls to action and verbiage used in each series.
    • We will customize the connection between your store and MailChimp account so that we are capturing the more robust data that is needed for your segmenting and triggers.
  • new account email series

    patient engagement series

    first purchase series email 1

    allergan remarketing

    brilliant distinctions remarketing

    skinceuticals remarketing
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